A comprehensive and standardized rebranding process will help brands have a perfect repositioning strategy, help attract new audiences and make the brand stand out from the competition, thereby increasing awareness. brand awareness to the general public.

TELOS, as a brand-specializing agency with the most comprehensive and quality rebranding service in the market, we have been helping units on the way to perfecting and expanding their brands. them, as well as have succeeded in repositioning themselves.


TELOS is an agency providing solutions for brand design and brand positioning in HCM

1. Rebranding process at TELOS:

1.1. Situation Analysis

To start the implementation steps in the rebranding process, TELOS always focuses on the initial step of analyzing the brand status. We understand that being aware of the state of your brand and the market is key to successfully building and rebranding.

After receiving the request for consulting rebranding services, we will clearly define the strategic goals of the repositioning, the advantages and disadvantages that your brand has, as well as the potential that the brand has. Yours has not been tapped to.

Identifying the brand differences of the business is also a very important part of the road to building a rebranding strategy. We will need to know what makes your brand special to attract customers compared to the countless existing competitors, thereby focusing on finding niches and meeting their needs.

At the same time, we carry out serious market research to reduce risk, survey target customer groups to find their input on success stories, products, brands, etc. existing reputation of the brand, the suitability of the brand to the market from time to time. phan-tich-thuc-trang-cua-thuong-hieu-la-buoc-khoi-dau-quan-trong-trong-quy-trinh-rebranding

Analyzing the current state of the brand is an important first step in the rebranding process

1.2. Solution Orientation

After drawing the overall picture of your brand, TELOS will base on the previously researched and proposed analysis to identify and recommend changes and things to do.

We must ensure these solutions will deliver the most successful results and the lowest risks. The account department and the implementation team of TELOS will be responsible for conveying these solution orientations to customers completely, persuading and enlightening customers, thereby finding a common voice among customers. and agency to take the next steps in building the rebranding process.


Navigate the solutions before starting to perform the following steps

1.3. Brand restructuring

After finding common ground and reaching consensus in the solution-oriented step, TELOS will begin the “Rebranding” step in the repositioning process. The most core brand changes will be planned and implemented. We will implement new orientations and systematize the brand under the new structure.

1.4. Design execution

An important step in the rebranding process at TELOS, which is critical and resource-intensive, is the “Design Execution” step. This is the step where large and small design products will be made, ensuring enough to create resources and tools for future communication activities.

More specifically, TELOS will make a detailed list of all the touch points that the brand needs to innovate, including style, images, colors, fonts, logos, brand identity, website, business cards, Office publications,…


Make a list of touch points that the brand needs to innovate

We then test these new designs based on their fit with your brand strategy through multiple testing. We always make sure that all usability elements support the creation of a distinct brand identity and deliver a consistent and targeted user experience.

Talking about design, TELOS is always proud to be a rebranding agency imbued with art and rich in unique ideas, different from other units in the market. The designs and ideas of TELOS always bring a certain breakthrough under the framework of an expert, and behind each design there are always many layers of thought, high applicability and lasting quality over time. Don’t follow the fad.


Design execution is always the step that shows the creativity of TELOS

1.5. Get feedback and edits

TELOS understands, in order to reach a consensus of opinion between us and the client (cooperative customer) will have to go through many stages of receiving feedbacks and editing according to a certain standard.

We are always ready to receive and acknowledge the opinions of our customers. Besides, we will also convince customers of our opinions from the perspective of a brand expert. Thereby merging both perspectives and creating a complete rebranding picture, ready to be released.

1.6. Launch and companion

After carefully completing all the preparations and implementation, a new brand is ready to be launched to the public. Launching a new brand launch needs to be done as quickly and decisively as the original launch of the brand, even better.

The launch of the new brand will have to show the public the reason for the rebranding, what it means for the future of the business, and emphasize the benefits that customers will receive after the brand change. that mark.

And the repositioning will not stop there, TELOS will always accompany your brand in supporting communication as well as in receiving public feedback and optimization. This is the last step in the rebranding process at TELOS but will be the first step for the brand’s innovation and great development later.

2. Some successful rebranding strategies at TELOS

2.1. Dust Art

Fine Art Dust is a unit providing art courses with 5 years of experience specializing in teaching a wide range of courses and is a pioneer in painting training, targeting diverse audiences from housewives, office workers to children who are passionate about painting. Fine Art Dust currently has more than ten different branches in two big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.

With the desire to professionalize the image of Dust Art after 5 years of development, Fine Art of Dust has come to TELOS because of the harmony in the art style of both sides and the quality in the rebranding process that TELOS brings.

See more rebranding project of Dust Art with TELOS.


2.2. ANTS

ANTS is one of the leading integrated advertising platform companies in Southeast Asia. Founded in 2014, ANTS aims to maximize the potential of businesses in the digital content field.

After 5 years of operation, ANTS wants to emphasize the characteristics of each business service field. The idea of ANTS is to create a chain of logos corresponding to each subfield. And TELOS, with the experience of an expert in implementing the rebranding process, was chosen by ANTS to realize that idea.

Let’s take a look at ANTS’ rebranding project with TELOS.


One of the logo designs that TELOS made for ANTS

2.3. CCV Hi-tech Group

The predecessor of CCV fertilizer is Con Nai Vang fertilizer, previously known as Vietnam Fertilizer Company, which has gone through many ups and downs in history. Now, CCV fertilizer is one of the oldest professional fertilizer manufacturers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, becoming a reputable, reliable and familiar brand with Vietnamese farmers in the field of plant nutrition.

With the increasingly fast pace of business environment changes and technological factors, CCV desires a change, a repositioning of the brand, not just for the fertilizer sector but gradually transforming into a group with a wide supply chain. This transformation will be reflected in the new brand orientation system of CCV Group.

CCV Group trusted the vision of TELOS’s experts and chose us as the place to implement the rebranding process for their brand.

Learn more about CCV Hi-tech Group’s rebranding project with TELOS.


TELOS’s passion and expertise in each project

3. Conclusion

Overall, a successful brand repositioning process can take several months or even over a year to complete. It all depends on the complexity of the brand, the size of the company, the execution items, and the customer expectations.

At TELOS, we help brands both in and outside of Vietnam to implement a comprehensive and perfect rebranding process, helping to maintain their brand position in the market. If you have any questions about TELOS and our services, or need to contact us for collaboration, please use the contact form or the information at the bottom of our website.

This article and images were compiled by TELOS