
The core and focus of the entire brand identity system is the logo. Therefore, logo is very important for identity brand design. Businesses and organizations need a logo like they need a basic brand portrait.

At TELOS, we not only design pure artistic works of logos that satisfy aesthetic and initial impressions. We see each logo as a seed, the source of the brand system, calculated and clearly defined for the future.


Lộ trình dịch vụ



Tìm hiểu về nội tại: bản thân thương hiệu, đội ngũ và tầm nhìn.

Tìm hiểu về ngoại cảnh: thị trường, đối thủ và khách hàng.


Định vị
thương hiệu

Xác định cho thương hiệu một vị trí trong biểu đồ định vị so với các đối thủ cạnh tranh để tạo ra con đường truyền thông riêng biệt



Tạo cho thương hiệu một tính cách cốt lõi, quyết định cách thức thương hiệu sẽ xuất hiện trước công chúng và khách hàng.


Xây dựng định hướng

Tạo dựng cho thương hiệu một đường lối truyền thông với sự thống nhất, rõ ràng và mục tiêu rõ ràng


Proud projects

Each project is a story, a journey that TELOS takes with its partners to realize their needs and strive towards their success.




Frequently asked questions

How will the execution process begin?

At TELOS, we believe that every project and every brand requires companionship and understanding. So let's start by listening to the stories of your business.

After discussing and gathering all the necessary information, we will have a suitable process to help you embark on the brand journey for your business.

How long does it take to have a complete brand identity system?

It depends on the needs and complexity of the project. However, a standard brand identity system typically takes around 1 to 1.5 months to complete.

Can I get advice on developing my brand after having a brand identity system?

Yes. TELOS - branding agency in Viet Nam - will design the logo as a ""brand seed"". Basic questions such as ""should the logo be a wordmark or symbol?"" or ""what versions and what symbols?"" will be resolved early on.

Then, TELOS will develop everything around the logo to create a brand identity ecosystem around the logo.

What information do I need to prepare for logo and brand identity design?

You need to identify your project's needs and expectations. If you already have a clear result in mind, everything is easy. However, if you do not, let the experts at a logo design website like listen and provide you with the most suitable solutions.

For us, every brand project is a partnership. So let's understand each other before going forward together.

In logo design, the price sometimes does not come from the product but from the research process to produce the appropriate answer. So if you have an estimated budget, TELOS can help you adjust better to the project's scale.

What is a brand system? What are brand guidelines and art direction? Are they really necessary?

A brand system is a set of tools that are very effective in building consistency, synchronization, and accuracy for the brand. These products are necessary to establish a clear and consistent recognition for customers.

They serve as both a set of rules and the DNA of the brand. These documents will help you easily manage, create new materials, and understand more about the artistic values of your brand.

Do you have any questions?



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