The UI/UX design field is developing in a broader and deeper way, which is a great opportunity for those who are interested and want to become UI/UX designers. As a dynamic field, belonging to technology and constantly updated every hour, being able to learn and self-study is entirely possible if you have enough determination and ability to explore and be creative. However, starting with a well-organized roadmap synthesized from those who have gone before you will make the journey much smoother.

At TELOS, we do not simply teach general design tools or UI/UX design in particular. We guide and package everything into an orientation roadmap so that a newcomer can start with the tools to become a UI/UX designer from the very first step.


UI/UX and Figma courses at TELOS

1. The formation of the UI/UX course series

TELOS started as a team with a passion for sharing knowledge and creating professional quality for the community, but we prefer to take steady steps rather than expecting something too big.

1.1 The journey of creating courses

At the end of 2019, we began seriously entering the training field with our core course, teaching the community how to use Figma, taught by Mr. Luu Trong Nhan. After nearly 3 years of implementation with more than 30 courses, it has shown the practical values it brings, as well as the bright spots it will continue to emit in the future.

By the beginning of 2022, we felt that we had enough capacity in terms of operations, professional development, and personnel to open another course, which was a foundational course in UI design, beginning to be taught. Shortly thereafter, TELOS also had a UX course to complete the trio of basic knowledge groups for the best foundation in the field.

1.2. The reason for the UI/UX roadmap was set up as follows

TELOS aimed to create a spiral development process from the basic core that gradually spread to help students acquire the knowledge and tools to expand their professional skills.

Figma is considered a fundamental design tool, but it is taught as a language. UI and UX are taught as two systems of introduction for beginners and provide a roadmap for learners to utilize in the future. With the structure of each individual course, if combined into a combo system for training like modules, the courses will create fairly comprehensive knowledge for learners.


The roadmap was not built to equip everything a UI/UX designer needs, but to provide each learner with a mindset ready for the questions they will face in their career.

2. The differences of the course

One of the interesting points of the course is its separation into multiple modules. The course components can be individually instructed without any learning issues. Therefore, the knowledge of the course can be arranged before and after according to your needs.

Việc khóa học tập trung nhiều vào lối hướng dẫn theo tư duy cũng là một điểm đặc biệt, thay vì chỉ cố gắng hướng dẫn cách làm sao để sử dụng một công cụ, khóa học mang đến cách khái quát hóa việc dùng công cụ như thế nào để chuẩn bị cho hệ thống và cách lĩnh vực UI/UX hoạt động.

The value of the course


The feedback from the learners has been very honest and positive.

In particular, the Figma course with over 30 individual courses has created unexpected value for students. Overall, the UI/UX training course creates a very stable value system, especially for beginners due to the high systematization of knowledge in the course. After experiencing the 3-month journey, most learners have knowledge and experience that exceeds their expectations.

In addition to the professional knowledge and career guidance, the course also provides an added soft value for the participating learners, which is “inspiration”. The teaching methods and knowledge system of the teaching team, who are passionate and sensitive to the UI/UX design profession, have helped learners to gain the motivation to move forward.

So, sign up for the experience now!