
During business operations, sometimes businesses and organizations need to renew themselves, adapt to external changes, or internal development.

TELOS's brand positioning and repositioning service will provide your business with a comprehensive solution. The service will start from research and direction finding, positioning for the change process, to implementation and creating design products that serve the brand repositioning process effectively.

Brand repositioning

Service process


Situation Analysis

Receive requests and analyze the current situation of the brand, its strengths and weaknesses, and its suitability for the market and timing.


Solution Orientation

Based on the analysis, make assessments and propose changes and actions to be taken.


Brand Restructuring

Implement top-level changes and a new orientation, and systemize the brand according to the new structure.


Design Execution

Create small and large design products, ensuring adequate resources and tools to serve future marketing activities.


Proud projects

Each project is a story, a journey that TELOS takes with its partners to realize their needs and strive towards their success.




Frequently asked questions

I have a need to reposition my brand, but I don't know where to start?

At TELOS, we believe that every project, every brand needs companionship and understanding. So let's start by listening to the stories from your business. 

After talking and collecting enough information, we will have a suitable brand design process to reposition your brand.

When should a business reposition its brand?

There are many cases where a business should consider repositioning its brand.

When your business has transformed, the old image is no longer suitable for new communication stories, or when the business changes its products, customer segments, and target groups, or when the business grows and needs a change or transition to fit its new position.

Those will be the times when brand repositioning is a necessary solution.

What is the process of brand repositioning?

The first step is to listen to the brand storytelling.

Reframe the brand's development steps and image in the past, present, and future to have a suitable direction.

TELOS will provide you with market analysis and evaluation, as well as internal analysis of the business.

Propose ideas to reposition and develop the brand's artistic aspect.

Execute the design and implementation of products according to the needs of the business.

What is a system? What are Brand guidelines and Art Direction? Are they really necessary?

These are highly effective tools for building consistency, synchronization, and accuracy for the brand system. These products are essential for establishing clear and consistent recognition for customers.

Brand guidelines and Art Direction serve as the DNA of the brand, helping you manage and create new things more easily, as well as understanding more about the artistic values of your brand. They are not only design rules but also provide your employees and partners with clear and accurate guidance on how to use your brand elements.

Do you have any questions?



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